Error codes

Below is a table of common status codes and their associated messages for inference-related API requests.

Error CodeError NamePossible Issue(s)How to Resolve
400Bad RequestInvalid input or malformed request.Review the request parameters and ensure they match the expected format.
401UnauthorizedInvalid API key or insufficient permissions.Verify your API key and ensure it has the correct permissions.
402Payment RequiredUser’s account is not on a paid plan or has exceeded usage limits.Check your billing status and ensure your payment method is up to date. Upgrade your plan if necessary.
403ForbiddenThe model name may be incorrect, or the model does not exist. This error is also returned to avoid leaking information about model availability.Verify the model name on the Fireworks site and ensure it exists. Double-check the spelling of the model name in your request.
404Not FoundThe API endpoint is incorrect, or the resource path is invalid (e.g., a user tried accessing /v1/foobar instead of a valid endpoint).Verify the URL path in your request and ensure you are using the correct API endpoint as per the documentation.
405Method Not AllowedUsing an unsupported HTTP method (e.g., using GET instead of POST).Check the API documentation for the correct HTTP method to use for the request.
408Request TimeoutThe request took too long to complete, possibly due to server overload or network issues.Retry the request after a brief wait. Consider increasing the timeout value if applicable.
412Precondition FailedThis error occurs when attempting to invoke a LoRA model that failed to load. The final validation of the model happens during inference, not at upload time.Check the body of the request for a detailed error message. Ensure the LoRA model was uploaded correctly and is compatible. Contact support if the issue persists.
413Payload Too LargeInput data exceeds the allowed size limit.Reduce the size of the input payload (e.g., by trimming large text or image data).
429Over QuotaThe user has reached the API rate limit.Wait for the quota to reset or upgrade your plan for a higher rate limit.
500Internal Server ErrorThis indicates a server-side code bug and is unlikely to resolve on its own.Contact Fireworks support immediately, as this error typically requires intervention from the engineering team.
502Bad GatewayThe server received an invalid response from an upstream server.Wait and retry the request. If the error persists, it may indicate a server outage.
503Service UnavailableThe service is down for maintenance or experiencing issues.Retry the request after some time. Check for any maintenance announcements.
504Gateway TimeoutThe server did not receive a response in time from an upstream server.Wait briefly and retry the request. Consider using a shorter input prompt if applicable.
520Unknown ErrorAn unexpected error occurred with no clear explanation.Retry the request. If the issue persists, contact support for further assistance.

Troubleshooting tips

If you encounter an error not listed here, try the following:

  • Review the API documentation for the correct usage of endpoints and parameters.
  • Check the Fireworks status page for any ongoing service disruptions.
  • Contact support at for further assistance.

This will provide additional insights into any issues encountered.

Need more help?

If you continue to experience issues, please reach out on our Discord channel.